After another route shift, fruit farm stands in way of 417 airport connector
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Jabuticaba farm Adam Shafran, of Flying Fox Fruits, examines a jabuticaba fruit his farm produced in March 2025. (Nick Papantonis)
Jabuticaba farm Adam Shafran, of Flying Fox Fruits, looks at his greenhouses. A proposed highway spur would cut through his property, putting his business of 20 years at risk. (Nick Papantonis)
Jabuticaba farm A basket of purple jabuticaba fruits. (Nick Papantonis)
Jabuticaba farm Adam Shafran, of Flying Fox Fruits, examines a jabuticaba plant in his greenhouse. A proposed highway spur would cut through his property, putting his business at risk. (Nick Papantonis)
Jabuticaba farm Jabuticaba fruits grow on the trunk of a tree. (Nick Papantonis)