Member Help

Registering for the first time?

You can register on this site by click any ‘Sign In or Register’ link available on the site.

When you register you will have the ability to make comments on content, sign up for newsletters and much more.

You can begin the registration process by ‘creating an account’ or starting the process using your Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Twitter or OpenID account. Simply click the appropiate link or button.

Create a new user account

  1. Click the ‘Create One’ link on the sign in page or click one of the buttons and start the registration process using your Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Twitter, etc. account
  2. Enter a Display name . Display names may not be longer than 24 characters, and may only use letters, numbers, dashes (-) and underscores (_).
  3. Create a password. It that should be a minimum of 6 characters.
  4. Enter your email address
  5. Enter your date of birth
  6. Enter zip/postal code (optional)
  7. Enter your gender (optional)
  8. Read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
  9. Click I agree, create my account
  10. Check your email inbox for a confirmation email. Look for email from From time to time these messages can go to your junk or spam folder. Be sure to look there if you don’t see the message immediately.
  11. Open the confirmation email and click or paste the link included in the message.

Existing/Migrated Members

If you are an existing member and this is your first time visiting the website, please click “Forgot Your Password” to reset your password and update your account:

  1. Click Forgot Your Password
  2. Enter your email address and click the button
  3. Check your email inbox for a reset password email. Look for email from From time to time these messages can go to your junk or spam folder. Be sure to look there if you don’t see the message immediately.

Click the special link in the message or paste it into the browser. The link can only be used once!

Once on the password reset page enter a new password and hit the ‘Change My Password’ button. You can now login to the site.

Previous site members will then be taken to a special page that will require them to update their account information. Each user must verify or select a preferred display name (i.e. screen name), verify or provide a birthdate and enter a password.

  • If your preferred display name is shown, you can simply re-enter your password, verify your birthdate and hit save.
  • If your previous preferred display name is not shown, or is unavailable when you check availability, you will need to choose a new preferred display name. Then you can log into the website with your email address and password.

All previous site members users must:

  1. Reset your password
  2. Verify or select a preferred display name
  3. Verify or provide a birthdate.

Cox Media Group