
Must see battle for the ages: Alligator vs. crocodile in, where else, Florida

American crocodile Crocodylus acutus suns itself with its large teeth visible on the side of a pond in Southern Florida.
Crocodile takes on aligator FILE PHOTO: An alligator battled against a crocodile in Florida. (Lagunatic Photo/SailingAway -

MIAMI — You may never smile at a crocodile and you may say see you later, alligator. But what happens when you see both facing off on a Florida sidewalk?

You have a couple of choices: run away or pull out a camera and start recording.

Someone chose the latter and the video is going viral.

It happened on March 19 near the Shark Valley Observation Tower in the Florida Everglades.

If you turn the volume up, you can hear the two reptiles hissing and growling while they snap at each other.

The crocodile dominated as the alligator tried to escape, unsuccessfully. Eventually, the gator was able to slip into the water and swim away. The crocodile basked in the sun after the long fight.

While Florida is known for its gator population South Florida is the home of the American crocodile as well and is the only place where the two reptiles are found living together.

How can you tell the difference between a gator and a croc?

According to the Everglades Holiday Park, crocodiles have longer, pointed snouts while alligators' snouts are shorter and rounded.

A gator’s upper teeth are visible when the mouth is shut, while both the upper and lower teeth are visible when a croc’s mouth is shut.

Crocodiles are lighter in color with tans and browns. Alligators are darker with gray and black shades.

Gatorland Orlando shared a lighthearted take on the fight. Read it on Facebook here.