Volusia County

Heroes come in many forms: Road and bridge supervisors save a life with CPR

Volusia County Road and Bridge Supervisors Shawn McKlem and Adam Kozier (Volusia County Community Information/Volusia County Community Information)

VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. — A laborer collapsed on the grounds of the Public Works Northeast Services Facility in Daytona Beach and without hesitation, supervisors Adam Cozier and Shawn McKlem sprang into action and began chest compressions that saved his life.

From first responders and teachers to military members, heroes can be found everywhere. Now, we can add another category: Volusia County Road and Bridge supervisors.

Both Cozier and McKlem quickly determined that the man had no pulse and was not breathing. Without missing a beat, they began chest compressions.

They restored a pulse before Volusia County Emergency Medical Services arrived, restored breathing and transported him to a local hospital, where he recovered.

“Their quick actions, along with those of other Road and Bridge staff and our EMS team, played a key role in saving the man’s life,” said County Manager George Rectenwald. “Their response also demonstrates the importance of community members becoming educated in hands-only CPR.”

Both heroes had taken CPR classes independently but this was the first time they had used their training.

Our local heroes are originally from the Ormond Beach and Edgewater areas.

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Angel Green, WFTV.com

Angel Green is a Content Creator for WFTV.com.