
Orange County leaders to discuss ‘Sunshine Corridor’ SunRail expansion


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — Leaders in Orange County will meet on Tuesday to consider putting money toward an expansion of SunRail.

The “Sunshine Corridor” expansion would include stops at Orlando International Airport and International Drive.

Osceola County, Seminole County, and the city of Orlando have already pitched in for the plan.

The project only needs about half a million dollars to start.

Local agencies and private companies are collaborating on a study that would allow the expansion of the service.

The project would take passengers across most of Orange County, from the airport to Disney Springs.

However, before getting federal and state funds to build the structure, local governments must conduct a $6 million study.

Just last week, commissioners in Osceola County approved $500,000 to help.

The money comes after FDOT and Universal pitched in with $2 million each.

On top of that, Seminole County and the city of Orlando also put $500,000 each.

So now, with $5.5 million ready to go, the study only needs $500,000 to get started, which is what Orange County commissioners are expected to vote on Tuesday.

Channel 9 will monitor the vote and provide updates on Eyewitness News.

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